Monday, October 24, 2011

[RE] Not the best Sunday

Damn. This was not the best Sunday. First, I had a ton of homework so when I woke up I pretty much had to start right then. I don't see why we have to do homework. Does it really help that much? I mean I get that we will have homework cause it is school, but I mean whats the point of having tons and tons of homework?

Well I was one of the people Biruk was talking about

Anyways all raider fans can try to do is hope the new Qb is going to play well for them to make it to the playoff as soon as passable.
So when I woke up in the morning I wasn't in a good mood because of all the homework. But then when I turned on my tv to see that the Raiders are getting killed, I was speechless. I mean the Raiders never get killed, they are raw. I honestly didn't know how good we really would have done since our starting qb has a broken collar bone. I never thought it would be this bad. Between our two back up qbs we threw 6 ints with 2 of them going back for touchdowns. That is just plain horrible. There is no excuse for that. I understand that Carson Palmer was just picked up, but that just means he doesn't know all the plays. That doesn't mean he can't hit his receivers instead of the cornerbacks.

Then to top it all off, McFadden was out. He was going to be the reason we would win. He would have had to carry this team on his back since we don't really have a qb. But his ankle hurt so he didn't play at all. I think he had like 2 carries with 4 yards. Thats not good because he was on my fantasy team and I need him to win this week. Now it will be a close game between my friend and I. 

Honestly the best thing for the Raiders is happening. They have there bye week. They really need it. It couldn't have come at a better time. McFadden is sore/ injured so this will give him time to rest so he can be the best rb in the NFL. The bye week will also give Carson Palmer time to actually learn our play book. He was extremely limited to the plays he could run and that is not good.

Well this Sunday wasn't the best, but the bye week for the Raiders couldn't have come at a better time.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[Free] Fantasy Football

Well football season has been going on for a minute and my friends and I have a fantasy football league. It was very fun actually. There are 12 different teams and each team put in twenty dollars for the prize at the end of the year. If you add up the money there is actually a lot for the winner.

Well it is going to be week 7 of the season and it seems like this league is getting a bit complicated. Some teams see that they have no chance of winning so they are basically giving up there team to other people for basically nothing. This gets complicated because then the raw teams are getting very stacked and it seems like people are making deals to get the weaker teams raw players.

This week I had a trade with one of my good friends for one of his best players. I think everyone thought it was because he gave up, but if you look at the players numbers it wasn't that bad of a trade. I gave him 2 good players for just 1 really good player. Everyone said it was cheap, but now I see that all these teams are getting players that are very good for ones that aren't good at all.

I actually really liked fantasy football because well I watch football all the time anyways so I mite as well try and win some money. I don't understand why all the raw teams are getting even more stacked. I think that if the weak teams want to give up then they should just keep the players so its still fair for all the players.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


 Unfortunately, the Raiders as an organization took a big lost in the second quarter as we lost our starting quarter back for the remainder of the season. The Raiders went on to win this game but there were questions to be ask on what will happen next for the Oakland Raiders.
Well I got this from Keelan's blog. So the Raiders game on Sunday could have gone better. Everyone knew the Raiders would win because they are just too raw. After seeing Darren McFadden score on the first drive of the game, I knew we had this. Darren McFadden is just so raw, he is honestly the best running back in the NFL at this time. He can do anything. He can get around the corner any speed down the field for a 80 yard TD. He can go up the middle against lineman and linebackers and go straight through them. The Raiders have no problems with there running game. The young wide receiver we have are all good. Hayward-Bey is finally starting to find his place on our team. Moore is just raw. Ford is just so fast, I think he is the second deadliest return man in this league just behind Devin Hester of the bears.

The bad part of Sundays game was that our starting Quarterback, Jason Campbell was running for the first down in the 2nd quarter of the game and he got tackled and came down wrong. He came down bad on his shoulder and his collar bone broke. Not looking good for the Raiders because he was finally doing really good for us.  The rest of the game our backup QB came into the game. He didn't do that horribly but were already winning thanks to great special team play.

So there were many rumors about who the Raiders wanted to get for there QB since Campbell is out for the Season. Well the Raiders had to go quickly to get someone because this was the trade deadline. They ended up getting Carson Palmer. Palmer hasn't been doing the best recently but he is still pretty good. Many people didn't know that he was actually a first overall pick back in like 2003 I think. He is used to having very athletic wr on his team and thats exactly what we have. So this could be good for us. I guess we will just have to wait and find out how good he will actually do. This week should be interesting.

[CE] Wow what a sad story

Wow. This is so sad. I can't even imagine what its like to feel what that man is feeling. First his sister was killed in cold blood. His mother was trying to receive justice for his sisters murder. But of course nothing happened and after all the suffering he had to endure his mother was killed by the cartel. I mean do they have no hearts at all? I wonder what they think if someone did that to there family. I mean they took his family away from him. At his mothers funeral he was receiving threat from the cartel. I mean haven't they done enough from this man? This man has lost his sister and mother and yet he is still standing.

If I lost my mom and sister, I can honestly say I would have no idea what to do. I honestly wouldn't want to do anything. That would be so hard for anyone to take. I mean it is your family. Like anyone who lost a close family member like a mother or father or sibling, I really feel for you. That's like the worse feeling you could have. Having someone die that you have known your whole life is unbearable.

Stories like this many me so glad that I live in America. I mean I couldn't imagine have to fear for your life all the time. I think the people in this video need asylum in the US. I feel so bad for the people in this video, they have had so many things taken away from them. I think something should go right for them because I know if  I was in there position I'd really want to get out of there. Stuff is getting just too crazy from the drug violence.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

[Free] Remembering Al Davis

Well the Oakland's manager Al Davis died this week at the age of 82 years old. Davis wasn't always the friendliest or likable person. In fact not that many people liked him. Honestly, I wasn't too fond of him either, but you can't deny him of what he did for this league and the Raiders.

He has done so much for this league. Al Davis has been almost the maker of the NFL. He was a part of creating just one league. He was commissioner of the AFL before they two leagues merged. He was the main person pushing to make one league. He has been almost every job you could be. He was a scout, assistant coach, head coach, general manager, and a commissioner of the league. Im am not positive but I think he could be one of the only people that have done it all in the NFL.

The raiders in the past couple of years haven't been as good as people want and as they have been. Many people have blamed Al Davis. I didn't like him very much but he does know how to teach and coach the game. He was either the general manager or coach of the raiders while they won 3 super bowls.

"Commitment to excellence." One of Al Davis' motto for his life. He make all of his players strive for perfection no matter how good they really were. The Raiders were actually looking pretty good this year. They are 3 and 2, with loses coming at the hand of the Bills and Patriots who are both very good teams this year.  The Raiders have a very good running game thanks to Darren McFadden. They Raiders have a chance to go deep in the playoffs and it's sad to know that the leader of the franchise for so many years won't be there to see them get back on top of the league. Al Davis said it best "Just win baby".

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[CE] Blackberry Network Out????

Wow, I can honestly not even think of what would happen if this happened in America. I think people would go crazy. Blackberry is a huge company in the world. A ton of people have blackberries and I am positive that if there phones didn't work they would be ready to kill someone. I don't really see how a whole network could just blackout. I mean like something or someone must have done something cause I don't see how a company could blackout. If I was there and had a blackberry I'd be trying to kill someone. I mean, no phone? How could you live without a phone. I think I'd be even more mad that the company hasn't really said anything, like they are sorry or anything to there customers.

I think it's even worse because now a days people use there phone for everything. If this happened a couple years ago it wouldn't have been as big of a deal, but now almost everyone uses there smart phone a lot. I use my phone a lot! I always have my phone on me. The only time that I don't have my phone is when I am at a basketball practice. It is a bad thing that people rely on there phones so much. It kind of has people lose some social skills. A lot of people always have there phones in there hands and are always losing it. Even my mom learned to use her phone. She would never text me she always called me because she said she likes hearing peoples voices even if she can't see them. Now she is always texting me, which is kind of a good thing in some ways, but sometimes she never stops.

I just don't see how a network could go down. Like especially a big company like blackberry. Well it could not so bad because then people get a little bit detached from there phone and I don't think thats a bad thing.

[BC] Steve Jobs

 Many people look up to Steve Jobs. In many peoples eyes he somewhat changed the world. Steve Jobs said this in a speech in 2005.
When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
I see what Steve Jobs is saying. He wants us all to think about what we are doing with our lives and ask yourself, do I really want to be remembered for doing this? On the other hand I don't really think that we should all think that we will die soon. In my eyes it’s just not a good idea to live by. Why would you want to tell yourself that you will die soon? 

If I would go by this idea, I would not be in school. I mean if you only had a little bit to live why would you want to spend your last moments taking a test or listening to a boring teacher try to hammer ideas into your head. I can honestly say that is one of the last places I would like to be. They only reason I'd want to go to school is to see all of my friends. 

If we all also thought that we would only be alive for one day, people would go crazy. People would blow all the money they have earned on random stuff just to find out that they still have more time and then they will be screwed.

I think that Steve Jobs just wanted you to try to make the best of the day. Steve Jobs was a very smart person. He was apple. And Apple is richer than all of the United States. I don't remember the exact numbers but a while ago on the news they were talking about how Apple has more money than the United States. I can see how that could happen, Apple has some of the best technology on the market. They have the best computers. People always want a Mac. Almost everyone I know has an iPod and thoughts aren't cheap. Steve Jobs was part of creating all of this. I think that the world will miss this man. I think he was one of the brightest persons in this time period. Apple makes all the best electronics. No matter what they make it is always superior to any other on the market. I have an iPhone. I was so happy when I got it. It is so useful. Besides it being a phone it has all my music on it so I can listen to it whenever I want. It has the internet and apps that help alot. For instance, I play fantasy football with my friends. I can look on my phone how my players are doing. If any of my friends offer me a trade I can look up how good that will be for me on my phone so I dont have to wait a while to do the trade.

Well I can't tell if I got hella off topic but this is what I thought about Steve Jobs. He was a great person. He was extremely smart. He spoke wise words like the from the speech above. I think most people looked up to him since he had a ton of power in this world. Even though I sounded like I didn't agree with this quote, I somewhat do. I think people should make the best of their day, but I don't think it's good to always think about how people die soon.