Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[RE] The Berkley Game

 My boy Keelan wrote about the Berkeley game on Friday.
The first quarter was ok as they came out with a 14-0 lead, but from there on  it went all downhill. The final score was a disastrous  43-0. We all were down and mad but new next week we needed to come out with more intensity to finally get that W over a quality opponent.
After the bell rang on friday all my friends met at the circle to see what we were gonna do on friday to have fun. We decided to go to the Berkley vs. Alameda. It was quite the journey to get over the Berkeley. Us four had to climb in the back of a car to get a ride to Oakland. From there we found one of our friends mom that said she would give us a ride to the game. We got to the school and we were kinda lost, it was such a big school.

We made it to the game as my friend Biruk was kicking off. I'd rather pass on the details because you can tell that we lost. Some of my friends did pretty good though.  For JV, my boy biruk almost had a touchdown but the ball slipped out at the 5 yard line. The qb didn't do that bad but he got injured on a defensive stop in the nzone. For Varsity the game was close at halftime, we were only down by 2 touchdowns and when you have the explosive offense we have, that's nothing. But when the second half started Berkley started doing good and there wasn't much going right on our side. The good parts were that Suli had like a 50 yard rush for a touchdown but it got called back because there was holding in the backfield. My boy Keelan was beating his man down the line almost every snap but the qb wasn't looking his way so he didn't score. Well it wasn't the best game that our team has played, but this week they are playing Richmond at home. I have a feeling we are going to kill.

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