Thursday, October 20, 2011

[Free] Fantasy Football

Well football season has been going on for a minute and my friends and I have a fantasy football league. It was very fun actually. There are 12 different teams and each team put in twenty dollars for the prize at the end of the year. If you add up the money there is actually a lot for the winner.

Well it is going to be week 7 of the season and it seems like this league is getting a bit complicated. Some teams see that they have no chance of winning so they are basically giving up there team to other people for basically nothing. This gets complicated because then the raw teams are getting very stacked and it seems like people are making deals to get the weaker teams raw players.

This week I had a trade with one of my good friends for one of his best players. I think everyone thought it was because he gave up, but if you look at the players numbers it wasn't that bad of a trade. I gave him 2 good players for just 1 really good player. Everyone said it was cheap, but now I see that all these teams are getting players that are very good for ones that aren't good at all.

I actually really liked fantasy football because well I watch football all the time anyways so I mite as well try and win some money. I don't understand why all the raw teams are getting even more stacked. I think that if the weak teams want to give up then they should just keep the players so its still fair for all the players.

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