Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[CE] Blackberry Network Out????

Wow, I can honestly not even think of what would happen if this happened in America. I think people would go crazy. Blackberry is a huge company in the world. A ton of people have blackberries and I am positive that if there phones didn't work they would be ready to kill someone. I don't really see how a whole network could just blackout. I mean like something or someone must have done something cause I don't see how a company could blackout. If I was there and had a blackberry I'd be trying to kill someone. I mean, no phone? How could you live without a phone. I think I'd be even more mad that the company hasn't really said anything, like they are sorry or anything to there customers.

I think it's even worse because now a days people use there phone for everything. If this happened a couple years ago it wouldn't have been as big of a deal, but now almost everyone uses there smart phone a lot. I use my phone a lot! I always have my phone on me. The only time that I don't have my phone is when I am at a basketball practice. It is a bad thing that people rely on there phones so much. It kind of has people lose some social skills. A lot of people always have there phones in there hands and are always losing it. Even my mom learned to use her phone. She would never text me she always called me because she said she likes hearing peoples voices even if she can't see them. Now she is always texting me, which is kind of a good thing in some ways, but sometimes she never stops.

I just don't see how a network could go down. Like especially a big company like blackberry. Well it could not so bad because then people get a little bit detached from there phone and I don't think thats a bad thing.

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