Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[CE] Wow what a sad story

Wow. This is so sad. I can't even imagine what its like to feel what that man is feeling. First his sister was killed in cold blood. His mother was trying to receive justice for his sisters murder. But of course nothing happened and after all the suffering he had to endure his mother was killed by the cartel. I mean do they have no hearts at all? I wonder what they think if someone did that to there family. I mean they took his family away from him. At his mothers funeral he was receiving threat from the cartel. I mean haven't they done enough from this man? This man has lost his sister and mother and yet he is still standing.

If I lost my mom and sister, I can honestly say I would have no idea what to do. I honestly wouldn't want to do anything. That would be so hard for anyone to take. I mean it is your family. Like anyone who lost a close family member like a mother or father or sibling, I really feel for you. That's like the worse feeling you could have. Having someone die that you have known your whole life is unbearable.

Stories like this many me so glad that I live in America. I mean I couldn't imagine have to fear for your life all the time. I think the people in this video need asylum in the US. I feel so bad for the people in this video, they have had so many things taken away from them. I think something should go right for them because I know if  I was in there position I'd really want to get out of there. Stuff is getting just too crazy from the drug violence.

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