Wednesday, September 7, 2011

About Me..........

Hey. My name is Rowland. After being born in Minnesota, I moved to California when I was 4 years old. First, I moved to  Orinda with my uncle and aunt. Somehow I eventually ended up living in Alameda.  I went to Lincoln Middle School and now am at Alameda High. I’m currently a sophomore in Mr. Sutherland’s English class.

I’m a very active guy. For as far back as I can remember, I’ve always played some sport. I play basketball for the high school team now. Basketball is a very complex sport. It involves being athletic, yet there is also a big mental part to the game. During games the other competitors will try to get into your head, mostly by talking shit. Of course you also have to give it back a little. The mental part of the game is as important or maybe even more important than the physical part of the game. If someone gets in your head, they put you off your game and most likely will cause you to do poorly. On the other hand if you get into the head of the other player it gives you an advantage and could help you get the upper hand on your matchup. Even though the mental part of basketball is very important, you still must have some skill. You must be able to get up and down the court quickly. Basketball takes a lot of strategy and its a very exciting game. Anything can happen.

I currently only play one sport for the school team, but I play all kinds of sports when I hang out with my friends. Alameda is a bit boring. There isn’t a whole lot to do so I like to go hang with my friends a lot. We like to play a ton of different sports, whether it’s basketball, football, soccer, or golf. It’s just something to occupy our time so we aren't always just sitting in front of a television all day.
When it comes to my school work, I’m a bit of a procrastinator. For instance, this essay was done last minute. I have no idea, why it happens this way but even if i plan on doing something early, it never happens. This year I would like help in getting a broader vocabulary. I think it might have to do with the fact that I don’t really like to read. Reading often bores me. When I write I’m not very good at picking a topic. If the teacher gives me a topic, I do fine but once it’s a free write I have no idea what to write about. I hope by the end of the school year, I get better at deciding what I want to write about.

After high school I’d like to go to college. My first preference is San Diego State University. I’m not sure if I will be able to get in but that’s my hope. I’m not exactly sure what I want to study. All I know is that I’d like to go to San Diego State. 

Well that’s me. I don’t really know what else to say. I’d also like help with ending my writings. I have trouble with starting and ending my pieces of work. I hope that I will get better with writing by the end of the this school year because we have to do some much writing in this class.

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