Thursday, September 8, 2011

[Free]Remembering 9/11

Today in class, Mr. Sutherland had us talk about our thoughts regarding 9/11/2001.  I didn't say very much. At the time I didn't have anything to say. But the quick write that we did today actually got some words out of me. I tend to not like remembering bad stuff from the past. I mean, if it's bad why should you keep it in your mind? That's how I feel. Then again, I was so little when it happened (I think I was in kindergarden) that I don't fully remember how I felt at that time. I just remember seeing it on tv and  seeing all the adults crying over the horror. Only now, looking back on it over the past few years, is it that I remember the details.

I realize that, since that 9/11, the world as we knew it had changed. I think that America has become a lot more "racist",  I guess that's the word. Whenever anyone sees another person that could maybe be middle eastern, just from their physical look, some people get nervous. I'm not saying I do, but I'm just saying I think people do in general.

We watched a video in class about how after 9/11 an INDIAN person was killed just because he looked middle eastern. He wasn't even middle eastern! Even if he was middle eastern does it mean he is any different from you or me. I feel bad for the people that are being discriminated against because they could be just like me. But just because of what they wear and what they look like, they are being "picked out" in a crowd as a "terrorist."  What I'm trying to say is that since 9/11 the discrimination towards middle eastern people has skyrocketed. I think that America is a sad place if people are being "picked out" in a crowd just for what they could be perceived as. I don't think it's right. I mean... didn't immigrants come to America to have a free and better life? I bet that the people that are being targeted don't feel like they have having a better life. Just saying.

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