Thursday, September 8, 2011

[RE]There's always a first

 I mean really is texting more important than your life or someone else’s life?
So I don't exactly know what I'm doing because this is my first response post, but there's always a first for everything. I'm not sure if i did this right but this quote is from Biruk's blog. Well anyways, this question really stuck out to me because I text all the time. I text all day,  during school, in class, and during passing periods. Texting could be considered a habit.

I don't drive yet, but i know that I most likely will be tempted to text when, and if I get a car. Of course I know that it's a really bad and dangerous thing to do, but it's a habit. If I hear or feel my phone start to ring, it's just an instinct to look to see what the text says. I know that's really bad but it is just how it is. I think it is kind of how a lot of teens are now a days. They can't live without there phones. People think that there lives are all on there phones. I have to admit, I am kind of the same way. I guess that when I get a car I'll just have to have someone else hold my phone so I am not even tempted to use it while driving. I think it can be done because I mean there is nothing the text could say that is more valuable than your life or the health of someone else. That is why I actually agree with Biruk.

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