Thursday, September 15, 2011

[CE]Gaming is a part of life

Gaming is a part of life. On all the continents, people are playing video games. They may be good, may be bad, but they are there and there is nothing anyone can about it. I hear many people, mostly adults, say that video games rot you brain. I don't really see how that could happen. I mean I get how the people are just staring at a screen, but the gamers brain is still working. There are "strategy" games that make you use your brain.  In my personal opinion strategy games aren't very fun. If I'm going to play a video game I am not going to get a game that has me thinking a lot. Its just not that fun. I only play sports games. They are the best. I think it's because I like sports.

I wouldn't call myself a "gamer" but I do play video games, mostly Madden. I serve people, like Biruk. Biruk isn't the best madden player. He thinks hes good, but only when he plays the computer. Anyways, Im not so sure that these new games will be as good a profit as normal. America is in a bad economic time, so parents are not out buying kids the new videogames that they want and say that they need. Videogames are fun but i dont play them during school because after homework, I'd much rather get some sleep. I love sleep. It the best thing in the world.


  1. Social games are awesome, and my favorite! RPGs have to be the most fun for me for this reason because it is a fantasy world, something that can exist only on the screen and in our imaginations, and getting to know the characters is really fun. Video games are a past-time for me, and I've been playing them ever since I was very little. In fact, I learned to read playing them!
    But enough about me, this is a really interesting article you chose. Games are really big in Japan and especially South Korea. Games DO make us think in new and exciting ways. You have to be a planner, make connections, make strategies, etc. There's a reason why they're fun! I don't think something that rots your brain could be that fun. There's a reason why we play video games instead of watching TV!!

  2. Dude i totally made a response post about this..... check it out, or not, up to you.
