Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[BC] The search for his iPod

The night is dark. A blackout has hit the city. Rowland is trying to find his ipod. His mom took it away and she normally hides it somewhere in the basement. It's hard for him to get downstairs in the dark, slipping on basketballs and stepping on random papers that crinkle under his foot, and tripping on his pets' little stupid toys. He struggles to find his way to the door of the basement. Rowland tries to turn on the light switch; "click" nothing happens; the power must still be out.

Rowland hasn't been in the basement in quite some time.  He is a bit nervous for some awkward reason. He opens the basement door slowly.  It makes an eerie, creaky noise. Rowland starts down the stairs. They are old, wooden, and seems like they could break at any moment. It's pitch black in the basement. I think it would be easier to find a needle in a haystack than the ipod in this basement. He makes it down the stairs and trips on a deflated football. Rowland's fall made a colossal bang. After resting on the cold ground a bit, he rises. Making it to his feet, Rowland had an idea as to where the ipod could be. His mother would normally hide his stuff in the desk drawer in the middle of the room.

Rowland has a slight idea of where he is located in the basement.  Just from memory of the past when he was there before. He starts to move in the direction that he thinks the desk is. He is taking microscopic steps so he doesn't hit his feet against some obstructive thing potentially in his way. The slow gait didn't protect him. Rowland steps on a long straight pin and the sharp little point broke the skin, initiating a bit of blood.  He feels the warm, somewhat sticky liquid running down his foot. He puts pressure on it with a tissue in his hand, trying to stop the bleeding. With no vision possible  in the dark basement,  he can't see how bad the bleeding truly is. With obviously no band aid in hand, he thinks about going back upstairs. He laughs that idea off because he was already so far. He needs his ipod and feels like he can't live without it.

With his foot still bleeding, he continues on. He is walking slowly, leading with his hands because he doesn't want to run into anything. Making some good progress, Rowland finally runs into the desk he thinks the ipod is in. He opens the first drawer, it makes a weird gliding noise. Nothing was in the drawer but a ton of dust. He feels around to get the handle to the second drawer. He opens the drawer quickly. IT WAS HIS IPOD. He has finally found his beautiful ipod.

Rowland was very excited, until he realized that he had to find his way out of the basement too. He is nervous about hitting something again, chills are running down his spine after thinking about the pin. Is it gone? Is it still there?  He starts his walk, slowly. If he and a snail were racing, the snail would be dusting him.  He is leading with his hands, as usual. He makes it past the deflated football that he tripped on earlier. He feels the bottom of the stairs with his bare feet. He races up the stairs, finds the door knob, and opens the door. He is finally up  in the main floor, with his iPod. His mission was successful.

1 comment:

  1. You sound like Gollum looking for the missing ring in a cave..."My preciousssssss."

    I like this; it's pretty funny. And you get in some very vivid details too. The creak of the door, and also the whole punctured-foot thing were particular standouts for me. There were plenty other details there too, but these were somehow the most vivid to me as I was reading. And that's what I was looking for.
