Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[RE] Basketball is a part of me

Ask any player, most of them fear it. But they couldn’t imagine life without it. Its a part of them, the love/hate relationship. It’s what they live for.
This piece of writing is from Deja's Blog. Deja happens to actually be a good friend of mine. We both play basketball. This statement as actually really true. I play basketball. I don't like how it takes up all my time. There are practices all the time. A couple of times, I have thought able quitting basketball. But when it comes down to it there is no way I could. I know that once the basketball season would start, I would be mad at myself that i quit the game that I love so much. Basketball is a huge commitment. There is no way I could be able to see myself without basketball in my life. Even though i hate going to practice, running, and staying up late because i had practice that night.

Even though I constantly think of ways that could get me out of practice. When it comes down to it, I still play the game because it is a part of me. The games are so much fun. Just the seeing the other team walk off the court after you beat them, its priceless. The absolutely horrific smell in the locker from all the guy in there. Getting yelled at by the coaches at halftime even though we are winning the game.  The practice after the game when the the coach yell at us for all the stuff we did wrong. Walking into study hall late, and getting the maddest look from your coach.

Basketball players dont like all of these things, but its wat makes them. Deja and I are the same in some ways, we couldn't live without it. Most sports players will have the same thing with there sport that they play. The sport is apart of them.

1 comment:

  1. here is the link:

