Friday, September 23, 2011

[Free] Friday Night Dilemma

Well its friday night. The Island Bowl is tonight. Where am I? At home, I can't go anywhere tonight. It is my sister's birthday and we r having dinner together. I am not exactly sure how I feel about this. I mean ITS THE ISLAND BOWL. So many people are there. I really want to be there. I mean really want to see all my friends play. It is the biggest game of the season. I want to see my boy Biruk play in the game. I also have some friends on the other side of the field. Not that I am rooting for the jets, but I just want to see one of my good friends play. I think it will be funny to see him get smacked.

On the other hand, it is my Sister's birthday. I believe she is turning 19, but I am not totally sure. I want to go to the games, but I would feel bad to miss my sisters birthday dinner. It only comes once a year, but so does the Island Bowl.

Well it ends up that my opinion doesn't even count in this subject. I am not going to be attending the Island Bowl. I am not exactly in the best mood. My mom made the decision for me. Today after school was not fun. I had a lot of people come up to me and say, "how are you getting to the game". Then I had to say that I couldn't make it to the game. Just hearing myself say those words come from my mouth, gave me an awkard feeling. Well anyways, I am at home well everyone is at the Island Bowl having a ton of fun. One thing is for sure though, I will be having way better food that all them tonight.

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