Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE] New meaning of Recycling

Wow. How innovative. I don't know many people that would even think of recycling water bottles to make a bigger class room. This solves the problem of a lack of classrooms in the Philippines. Apparently every town in the Philippines makes enough waste to make a classroom like this every 2 weeks. THAT IS CRAZY! There are so many bottles there and they are saying they can make a building like the one in the video every two weeks. This is the first building made out of bottles to be completed but many hope that it won't be the last.

This classroom was twice the size as there older room. That's a huge plus. More space equals more students. If the students are in school they are getting an education that I believe everyone in the world needs.This building is made so that it can withstand gail force winds. If you guys didn't see, they made lights from drums. The drums light up the space by refracting the light from the sun. Engineering students are coming to see how the buildings are made to hopefully learn and teach other people. This building is a great idea, it is twice the size of the last building but costing half of the price. And I mean everyone can use more money for other things. Everyone can use money to develop other things. To be honest, I don't really know what the economy is like there, but every nation could use more money so having a bigger building yet using less money is always a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Sarina looked at this clip too and was thinking about some potential downsides:

    I agree though; I think projects like this are pretty strictly positive. I was also struck by the "every two weeks" statistic...the amount of stuff we throw out is astronomical.
