Monday, October 24, 2011

[RE] Not the best Sunday

Damn. This was not the best Sunday. First, I had a ton of homework so when I woke up I pretty much had to start right then. I don't see why we have to do homework. Does it really help that much? I mean I get that we will have homework cause it is school, but I mean whats the point of having tons and tons of homework?

Well I was one of the people Biruk was talking about

Anyways all raider fans can try to do is hope the new Qb is going to play well for them to make it to the playoff as soon as passable.
So when I woke up in the morning I wasn't in a good mood because of all the homework. But then when I turned on my tv to see that the Raiders are getting killed, I was speechless. I mean the Raiders never get killed, they are raw. I honestly didn't know how good we really would have done since our starting qb has a broken collar bone. I never thought it would be this bad. Between our two back up qbs we threw 6 ints with 2 of them going back for touchdowns. That is just plain horrible. There is no excuse for that. I understand that Carson Palmer was just picked up, but that just means he doesn't know all the plays. That doesn't mean he can't hit his receivers instead of the cornerbacks.

Then to top it all off, McFadden was out. He was going to be the reason we would win. He would have had to carry this team on his back since we don't really have a qb. But his ankle hurt so he didn't play at all. I think he had like 2 carries with 4 yards. Thats not good because he was on my fantasy team and I need him to win this week. Now it will be a close game between my friend and I. 

Honestly the best thing for the Raiders is happening. They have there bye week. They really need it. It couldn't have come at a better time. McFadden is sore/ injured so this will give him time to rest so he can be the best rb in the NFL. The bye week will also give Carson Palmer time to actually learn our play book. He was extremely limited to the plays he could run and that is not good.

Well this Sunday wasn't the best, but the bye week for the Raiders couldn't have come at a better time.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[Free] Fantasy Football

Well football season has been going on for a minute and my friends and I have a fantasy football league. It was very fun actually. There are 12 different teams and each team put in twenty dollars for the prize at the end of the year. If you add up the money there is actually a lot for the winner.

Well it is going to be week 7 of the season and it seems like this league is getting a bit complicated. Some teams see that they have no chance of winning so they are basically giving up there team to other people for basically nothing. This gets complicated because then the raw teams are getting very stacked and it seems like people are making deals to get the weaker teams raw players.

This week I had a trade with one of my good friends for one of his best players. I think everyone thought it was because he gave up, but if you look at the players numbers it wasn't that bad of a trade. I gave him 2 good players for just 1 really good player. Everyone said it was cheap, but now I see that all these teams are getting players that are very good for ones that aren't good at all.

I actually really liked fantasy football because well I watch football all the time anyways so I mite as well try and win some money. I don't understand why all the raw teams are getting even more stacked. I think that if the weak teams want to give up then they should just keep the players so its still fair for all the players.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


 Unfortunately, the Raiders as an organization took a big lost in the second quarter as we lost our starting quarter back for the remainder of the season. The Raiders went on to win this game but there were questions to be ask on what will happen next for the Oakland Raiders.
Well I got this from Keelan's blog. So the Raiders game on Sunday could have gone better. Everyone knew the Raiders would win because they are just too raw. After seeing Darren McFadden score on the first drive of the game, I knew we had this. Darren McFadden is just so raw, he is honestly the best running back in the NFL at this time. He can do anything. He can get around the corner any speed down the field for a 80 yard TD. He can go up the middle against lineman and linebackers and go straight through them. The Raiders have no problems with there running game. The young wide receiver we have are all good. Hayward-Bey is finally starting to find his place on our team. Moore is just raw. Ford is just so fast, I think he is the second deadliest return man in this league just behind Devin Hester of the bears.

The bad part of Sundays game was that our starting Quarterback, Jason Campbell was running for the first down in the 2nd quarter of the game and he got tackled and came down wrong. He came down bad on his shoulder and his collar bone broke. Not looking good for the Raiders because he was finally doing really good for us.  The rest of the game our backup QB came into the game. He didn't do that horribly but were already winning thanks to great special team play.

So there were many rumors about who the Raiders wanted to get for there QB since Campbell is out for the Season. Well the Raiders had to go quickly to get someone because this was the trade deadline. They ended up getting Carson Palmer. Palmer hasn't been doing the best recently but he is still pretty good. Many people didn't know that he was actually a first overall pick back in like 2003 I think. He is used to having very athletic wr on his team and thats exactly what we have. So this could be good for us. I guess we will just have to wait and find out how good he will actually do. This week should be interesting.

[CE] Wow what a sad story

Wow. This is so sad. I can't even imagine what its like to feel what that man is feeling. First his sister was killed in cold blood. His mother was trying to receive justice for his sisters murder. But of course nothing happened and after all the suffering he had to endure his mother was killed by the cartel. I mean do they have no hearts at all? I wonder what they think if someone did that to there family. I mean they took his family away from him. At his mothers funeral he was receiving threat from the cartel. I mean haven't they done enough from this man? This man has lost his sister and mother and yet he is still standing.

If I lost my mom and sister, I can honestly say I would have no idea what to do. I honestly wouldn't want to do anything. That would be so hard for anyone to take. I mean it is your family. Like anyone who lost a close family member like a mother or father or sibling, I really feel for you. That's like the worse feeling you could have. Having someone die that you have known your whole life is unbearable.

Stories like this many me so glad that I live in America. I mean I couldn't imagine have to fear for your life all the time. I think the people in this video need asylum in the US. I feel so bad for the people in this video, they have had so many things taken away from them. I think something should go right for them because I know if  I was in there position I'd really want to get out of there. Stuff is getting just too crazy from the drug violence.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

[Free] Remembering Al Davis

Well the Oakland's manager Al Davis died this week at the age of 82 years old. Davis wasn't always the friendliest or likable person. In fact not that many people liked him. Honestly, I wasn't too fond of him either, but you can't deny him of what he did for this league and the Raiders.

He has done so much for this league. Al Davis has been almost the maker of the NFL. He was a part of creating just one league. He was commissioner of the AFL before they two leagues merged. He was the main person pushing to make one league. He has been almost every job you could be. He was a scout, assistant coach, head coach, general manager, and a commissioner of the league. Im am not positive but I think he could be one of the only people that have done it all in the NFL.

The raiders in the past couple of years haven't been as good as people want and as they have been. Many people have blamed Al Davis. I didn't like him very much but he does know how to teach and coach the game. He was either the general manager or coach of the raiders while they won 3 super bowls.

"Commitment to excellence." One of Al Davis' motto for his life. He make all of his players strive for perfection no matter how good they really were. The Raiders were actually looking pretty good this year. They are 3 and 2, with loses coming at the hand of the Bills and Patriots who are both very good teams this year.  The Raiders have a very good running game thanks to Darren McFadden. They Raiders have a chance to go deep in the playoffs and it's sad to know that the leader of the franchise for so many years won't be there to see them get back on top of the league. Al Davis said it best "Just win baby".

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[CE] Blackberry Network Out????

Wow, I can honestly not even think of what would happen if this happened in America. I think people would go crazy. Blackberry is a huge company in the world. A ton of people have blackberries and I am positive that if there phones didn't work they would be ready to kill someone. I don't really see how a whole network could just blackout. I mean like something or someone must have done something cause I don't see how a company could blackout. If I was there and had a blackberry I'd be trying to kill someone. I mean, no phone? How could you live without a phone. I think I'd be even more mad that the company hasn't really said anything, like they are sorry or anything to there customers.

I think it's even worse because now a days people use there phone for everything. If this happened a couple years ago it wouldn't have been as big of a deal, but now almost everyone uses there smart phone a lot. I use my phone a lot! I always have my phone on me. The only time that I don't have my phone is when I am at a basketball practice. It is a bad thing that people rely on there phones so much. It kind of has people lose some social skills. A lot of people always have there phones in there hands and are always losing it. Even my mom learned to use her phone. She would never text me she always called me because she said she likes hearing peoples voices even if she can't see them. Now she is always texting me, which is kind of a good thing in some ways, but sometimes she never stops.

I just don't see how a network could go down. Like especially a big company like blackberry. Well it could not so bad because then people get a little bit detached from there phone and I don't think thats a bad thing.

[BC] Steve Jobs

 Many people look up to Steve Jobs. In many peoples eyes he somewhat changed the world. Steve Jobs said this in a speech in 2005.
When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
I see what Steve Jobs is saying. He wants us all to think about what we are doing with our lives and ask yourself, do I really want to be remembered for doing this? On the other hand I don't really think that we should all think that we will die soon. In my eyes it’s just not a good idea to live by. Why would you want to tell yourself that you will die soon? 

If I would go by this idea, I would not be in school. I mean if you only had a little bit to live why would you want to spend your last moments taking a test or listening to a boring teacher try to hammer ideas into your head. I can honestly say that is one of the last places I would like to be. They only reason I'd want to go to school is to see all of my friends. 

If we all also thought that we would only be alive for one day, people would go crazy. People would blow all the money they have earned on random stuff just to find out that they still have more time and then they will be screwed.

I think that Steve Jobs just wanted you to try to make the best of the day. Steve Jobs was a very smart person. He was apple. And Apple is richer than all of the United States. I don't remember the exact numbers but a while ago on the news they were talking about how Apple has more money than the United States. I can see how that could happen, Apple has some of the best technology on the market. They have the best computers. People always want a Mac. Almost everyone I know has an iPod and thoughts aren't cheap. Steve Jobs was part of creating all of this. I think that the world will miss this man. I think he was one of the brightest persons in this time period. Apple makes all the best electronics. No matter what they make it is always superior to any other on the market. I have an iPhone. I was so happy when I got it. It is so useful. Besides it being a phone it has all my music on it so I can listen to it whenever I want. It has the internet and apps that help alot. For instance, I play fantasy football with my friends. I can look on my phone how my players are doing. If any of my friends offer me a trade I can look up how good that will be for me on my phone so I dont have to wait a while to do the trade.

Well I can't tell if I got hella off topic but this is what I thought about Steve Jobs. He was a great person. He was extremely smart. He spoke wise words like the from the speech above. I think most people looked up to him since he had a ton of power in this world. Even though I sounded like I didn't agree with this quote, I somewhat do. I think people should make the best of their day, but I don't think it's good to always think about how people die soon.

[RE] My boy biruk and Friday

Biruk said this on his blog.
 i was looking forward to my first Varsity game but that didn't turn out as how i expected. as a sophomore to get moved up to var that's very good and i could use that as motivation for next year to do even better.

Well last Friday by boy Biruk played for varsity. I didn't go to the game since it was raining but I somewhat wish I did go because played on varsity. I don't think that there were many of Biruk’s close friends at the game because we all ended up going to our friend’s house and hanging out. It was hella fun but I kind of wish I could have saw Biruk play on varsity.

Biruk is a raw wide receiver. On JV, almost all the pass plays go to Biruk. They don't throw the ball that much but when they do it’s mostly to Biruk. I saw him after the game that night and he said that he didn't get very many passes in the game but then again he was a sophomore on varsity so it isn't that big of a deal.

This week’s game is homecoming. We have to win that game. That would suck if we lost at the homecoming game. Almost everyone goes to the game so it would not be good to have everyone there and end up getting killed. I heard Pinole is good but I hope we beat them. I hope the homecoming game will be fun. I think that with everyone going it will be fun but you never really know until it happens.

Friday will be fun. It is a Friday so that's always good. Then it is also the homecoming game and homecoming assembly. They homecoming assembly is going to be really fun. Last year we were freshmans so not that many people like got  into it fully, but this year I think our class will be fun. I can't wait for the assembly and game. I think friday is going to be a good day.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[RE] The Berkley Game

 My boy Keelan wrote about the Berkeley game on Friday.
The first quarter was ok as they came out with a 14-0 lead, but from there on  it went all downhill. The final score was a disastrous  43-0. We all were down and mad but new next week we needed to come out with more intensity to finally get that W over a quality opponent.
After the bell rang on friday all my friends met at the circle to see what we were gonna do on friday to have fun. We decided to go to the Berkley vs. Alameda. It was quite the journey to get over the Berkeley. Us four had to climb in the back of a car to get a ride to Oakland. From there we found one of our friends mom that said she would give us a ride to the game. We got to the school and we were kinda lost, it was such a big school.

We made it to the game as my friend Biruk was kicking off. I'd rather pass on the details because you can tell that we lost. Some of my friends did pretty good though.  For JV, my boy biruk almost had a touchdown but the ball slipped out at the 5 yard line. The qb didn't do that bad but he got injured on a defensive stop in the nzone. For Varsity the game was close at halftime, we were only down by 2 touchdowns and when you have the explosive offense we have, that's nothing. But when the second half started Berkley started doing good and there wasn't much going right on our side. The good parts were that Suli had like a 50 yard rush for a touchdown but it got called back because there was holding in the backfield. My boy Keelan was beating his man down the line almost every snap but the qb wasn't looking his way so he didn't score. Well it wasn't the best game that our team has played, but this week they are playing Richmond at home. I have a feeling we are going to kill.

[Free] My BFF Deja :D

My bff Deja. My so proud that my best friend Deja, got a letter from Princeton. I honestly never knew Deja was such a raw baller. I thought she was just okay considering I haven't seen her play in a while. Deja and I are best friends, I thought. She never told me that she got a letter from a college to get a scholarship for basketball. I am a bit disappointed that she didn't have time to tell her best friend.

I had to hear from Sulaimans post bout her. Now I don't think the best friend should be hearing online about a big thing having to do with one of his good friends. It is all good now though, because best friends work things out. That would be so cool to see my best friend play ball in college. She honestly works so hard at it. On facebook I always see statuses about how she misses basketball season and can't wait for it to start again. She is always talking bout how she is putting in work in the gym.

Deja is making it to the WNBA. I honestly never watch a single game in the WNBA. I mean I don't think many people do but when Deja makes it I will be her #1 fan. As long as she gives me tickets and doesn’t play for any Texas team. Well that’s my BFF I can’t wait till she gets to her dream of playing for the Sparks. I am so proud that she is doing work.

Friday, September 30, 2011

[ESSAY] Diversity

The world has many different regions, religions, and cultures. What makes a human a human being?  I am not sure that there is one single thing that a person can say that makes a human, a human. Although there are so many answers to the given question, I believe the definitive characteristic of a human being is the ability to be diverse from one another.  

Each person is their own individual self.  No single person is the same in how they act, think, and look. You could say that identical twins look the same; but it's impossible for people to say that they think the exact same on every topic one is approached with. People can have the same opinion on a certain subject but that doesn't mean that they think about it in the same manner. Some may not be able to catch a ball, but they can do hard math problems in their head like it's nothing. Humans are not the same but they all have the same basic components. Everyone has their own opinion, their own mind. People may think differently but they all do think.

The world is broken up into different religions. All of them are different; yet some of them agree on certain topics. There is Christianity, Hinduism, and Judaism. There are so many more and even within these three religions there are specific sects. For instance, all three of these religions believe in one main God. Although they all have the same belief that there is only one God, they do not all think it is the same one God. Even if you are in the one religion, that doesn't mean that you have to have the exact same beliefs as a fellow member of that religion.  If everyone thought the same thing, life would be no fun. There would be no point of talking if whatever your opinion was was exactly the same thought of the other person.

Regions in the world differ from each other as well. There is no way that people from Los Angeles or New York are exactly like us from the Bay area. It is impossible.  People are hella different. That's an example. No place, but  in the Bay area, are people  using the word "hella."  I have friends in Los Angeles and whenever I talk with them, they make fun of me because they say I talk weird. Personally I do not think I sound weird using the word hella. In Alameda, everyone uses the word hella. I know what my L.A. friends mean though because no one they know in L.A. uses that word around them. It's kind of like the use of the word "mad" on the East coast. You don't hear very many people in the west using the word mad, just like you don't hear the word hella other places.

Having said that, "Can you picture yourself living in a totally different environment?" Like in a different state? Or country? Or continent?  Imagine if you lived in Spain. I am not an expert at the lifestyle in Spain but I do know a few things about them. First, their main meal is the middle of the day. Businesses and shops along with school close down so everyone can go home for their lunch. They work and go to school later in the day since they get off for lunch. It is not uncommon for people to be out later in the evening too. Many people start their night at 10 o'clock p.m. and go out for a couple hours. Many people are out at 1 a.m.  Here in Alameda, everything is shut down around 10 p.m.. Only a very few of our fast food places are still open late. It is also not uncommon for people in Europe to know many different languages. I'm not saying that everyone here in the U.S. only knows English but I'm just saying that people in Europe know many languages. My cousins that live in Italy know 4 languages: Italian, English, French, and I think German. Here it's a big deal if someone knows more than just one language.  We are sure different because of our geography.

Along a similar thought process, my English teacher Mr. Sutherland wrote something that really caught my eye. He said,
"Then there are multiple intelligences within a single person, multiple personalities we display over time and even simultaneously (are you "the same person" in front of your friends, your teachers, your parents, and a cop?)."
I'm not exactly sure about how I would measure up against this idea.  He didn't expand on this idea very much in his post. I am going to have to agree with this idea of multiple intelligences. I think that he is saying that within one's self we each have different identities. What that means to me is that each of our personalities will change (neither for good nor bad reasons) depending on who we are talking or interacting with. I don't know what you have noticed but I realize that a lot of teens act differently from when they are in front of their teachers than when they are just hanging out with their friends. I personally tend to be more serious when I talk to my teachers. When I am with my friends, I joke around and say sarcastic things.  I only sometimes act jokingly near teachers. I don't really know why but I think that a lot of students do the same. I am not exactly sure if that is what it means to have multiple intelligences.  But that's how I interpreted it.

What does being a human mean? I can honestly say that at the start of writing this essay, I was freaking out. I thought that this topic was going to be the hardest prompt a teacher has given me. I mean it is such a huge idea. How could you expect a kid to have the answer for this? Then I figured out that Mr. Sutherland didn't want an exact answer. He just wanted to hear our thoughts on this question. Well, diversity is one huge topic.  No human being could ever be the same.  It's just impossible to think that. Don't get me wrong.  Other biological species are different and show lots of variation.  But I don't believe those differences to be greater than those of humans. We are one crazy species.

Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE] New meaning of Recycling

Wow. How innovative. I don't know many people that would even think of recycling water bottles to make a bigger class room. This solves the problem of a lack of classrooms in the Philippines. Apparently every town in the Philippines makes enough waste to make a classroom like this every 2 weeks. THAT IS CRAZY! There are so many bottles there and they are saying they can make a building like the one in the video every two weeks. This is the first building made out of bottles to be completed but many hope that it won't be the last.

This classroom was twice the size as there older room. That's a huge plus. More space equals more students. If the students are in school they are getting an education that I believe everyone in the world needs.This building is made so that it can withstand gail force winds. If you guys didn't see, they made lights from drums. The drums light up the space by refracting the light from the sun. Engineering students are coming to see how the buildings are made to hopefully learn and teach other people. This building is a great idea, it is twice the size of the last building but costing half of the price. And I mean everyone can use more money for other things. Everyone can use money to develop other things. To be honest, I don't really know what the economy is like there, but every nation could use more money so having a bigger building yet using less money is always a good thing.

[RE] Hygiene

I think that hygiene is a  key component in life..I just wish that everyone would share my ideals. Honestly if there was ever a day where i didnt brush my teeth or clean my body in the morning then i wouldnt go to school.
Well I'm going to have to agree with my boy Jonathan Fifer.  You guys have know idea how much I agree with him. I feel so gross if I smell bad, I'd like not want to go to school that day. I brush my teeth a lot for a kid. I absolutely hate if I have bad breath. It rarely happens, I think, but I would seriously think about going home if I forget to brush my teeth that day. For me, smelling bad is horrible.

For me, smelling bad or having bad breath is possibly the biggest turn off a girl could have. I wouldn't want to talk to them at all that day. I just don't see why people can't shower and brush there teeth. I mean, is it really that much to ask?

I get that during pe people won't smell the best since they are in pe cloths. But if pe hasn't even happened yet and they smell horrible I don't see how that possible. The people new my pe locker smell so bad. Everyday I either go in early n go hella quick, or I go and wait till some of them are already done. I also look to see if any other lockers are free other places. I found one, but Sulaiman found the locker first so got out of that area. I just don't see why people can't shower daily, I'm not saying that they have to smell like beautiful or anything, just not hella bad.

[Free] Friday Night Dilemma

Well its friday night. The Island Bowl is tonight. Where am I? At home, I can't go anywhere tonight. It is my sister's birthday and we r having dinner together. I am not exactly sure how I feel about this. I mean ITS THE ISLAND BOWL. So many people are there. I really want to be there. I mean really want to see all my friends play. It is the biggest game of the season. I want to see my boy Biruk play in the game. I also have some friends on the other side of the field. Not that I am rooting for the jets, but I just want to see one of my good friends play. I think it will be funny to see him get smacked.

On the other hand, it is my Sister's birthday. I believe she is turning 19, but I am not totally sure. I want to go to the games, but I would feel bad to miss my sisters birthday dinner. It only comes once a year, but so does the Island Bowl.

Well it ends up that my opinion doesn't even count in this subject. I am not going to be attending the Island Bowl. I am not exactly in the best mood. My mom made the decision for me. Today after school was not fun. I had a lot of people come up to me and say, "how are you getting to the game". Then I had to say that I couldn't make it to the game. Just hearing myself say those words come from my mouth, gave me an awkard feeling. Well anyways, I am at home well everyone is at the Island Bowl having a ton of fun. One thing is for sure though, I will be having way better food that all them tonight.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[BC] The search for his iPod

The night is dark. A blackout has hit the city. Rowland is trying to find his ipod. His mom took it away and she normally hides it somewhere in the basement. It's hard for him to get downstairs in the dark, slipping on basketballs and stepping on random papers that crinkle under his foot, and tripping on his pets' little stupid toys. He struggles to find his way to the door of the basement. Rowland tries to turn on the light switch; "click" nothing happens; the power must still be out.

Rowland hasn't been in the basement in quite some time.  He is a bit nervous for some awkward reason. He opens the basement door slowly.  It makes an eerie, creaky noise. Rowland starts down the stairs. They are old, wooden, and seems like they could break at any moment. It's pitch black in the basement. I think it would be easier to find a needle in a haystack than the ipod in this basement. He makes it down the stairs and trips on a deflated football. Rowland's fall made a colossal bang. After resting on the cold ground a bit, he rises. Making it to his feet, Rowland had an idea as to where the ipod could be. His mother would normally hide his stuff in the desk drawer in the middle of the room.

Rowland has a slight idea of where he is located in the basement.  Just from memory of the past when he was there before. He starts to move in the direction that he thinks the desk is. He is taking microscopic steps so he doesn't hit his feet against some obstructive thing potentially in his way. The slow gait didn't protect him. Rowland steps on a long straight pin and the sharp little point broke the skin, initiating a bit of blood.  He feels the warm, somewhat sticky liquid running down his foot. He puts pressure on it with a tissue in his hand, trying to stop the bleeding. With no vision possible  in the dark basement,  he can't see how bad the bleeding truly is. With obviously no band aid in hand, he thinks about going back upstairs. He laughs that idea off because he was already so far. He needs his ipod and feels like he can't live without it.

With his foot still bleeding, he continues on. He is walking slowly, leading with his hands because he doesn't want to run into anything. Making some good progress, Rowland finally runs into the desk he thinks the ipod is in. He opens the first drawer, it makes a weird gliding noise. Nothing was in the drawer but a ton of dust. He feels around to get the handle to the second drawer. He opens the drawer quickly. IT WAS HIS IPOD. He has finally found his beautiful ipod.

Rowland was very excited, until he realized that he had to find his way out of the basement too. He is nervous about hitting something again, chills are running down his spine after thinking about the pin. Is it gone? Is it still there?  He starts his walk, slowly. If he and a snail were racing, the snail would be dusting him.  He is leading with his hands, as usual. He makes it past the deflated football that he tripped on earlier. He feels the bottom of the stairs with his bare feet. He races up the stairs, finds the door knob, and opens the door. He is finally up  in the main floor, with his iPod. His mission was successful.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

[CE]Gaming is a part of life

Gaming is a part of life. On all the continents, people are playing video games. They may be good, may be bad, but they are there and there is nothing anyone can about it. I hear many people, mostly adults, say that video games rot you brain. I don't really see how that could happen. I mean I get how the people are just staring at a screen, but the gamers brain is still working. There are "strategy" games that make you use your brain.  In my personal opinion strategy games aren't very fun. If I'm going to play a video game I am not going to get a game that has me thinking a lot. Its just not that fun. I only play sports games. They are the best. I think it's because I like sports.

I wouldn't call myself a "gamer" but I do play video games, mostly Madden. I serve people, like Biruk. Biruk isn't the best madden player. He thinks hes good, but only when he plays the computer. Anyways, Im not so sure that these new games will be as good a profit as normal. America is in a bad economic time, so parents are not out buying kids the new videogames that they want and say that they need. Videogames are fun but i dont play them during school because after homework, I'd much rather get some sleep. I love sleep. It the best thing in the world.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[RE] Basketball is a part of me

Ask any player, most of them fear it. But they couldn’t imagine life without it. Its a part of them, the love/hate relationship. It’s what they live for.
This piece of writing is from Deja's Blog. Deja happens to actually be a good friend of mine. We both play basketball. This statement as actually really true. I play basketball. I don't like how it takes up all my time. There are practices all the time. A couple of times, I have thought able quitting basketball. But when it comes down to it there is no way I could. I know that once the basketball season would start, I would be mad at myself that i quit the game that I love so much. Basketball is a huge commitment. There is no way I could be able to see myself without basketball in my life. Even though i hate going to practice, running, and staying up late because i had practice that night.

Even though I constantly think of ways that could get me out of practice. When it comes down to it, I still play the game because it is a part of me. The games are so much fun. Just the seeing the other team walk off the court after you beat them, its priceless. The absolutely horrific smell in the locker from all the guy in there. Getting yelled at by the coaches at halftime even though we are winning the game.  The practice after the game when the the coach yell at us for all the stuff we did wrong. Walking into study hall late, and getting the maddest look from your coach.

Basketball players dont like all of these things, but its wat makes them. Deja and I are the same in some ways, we couldn't live without it. Most sports players will have the same thing with there sport that they play. The sport is apart of them.

[Free] And the football season is underway

With the NFL lockout over, preseason over, the start of the 2011 NFL football season is upon us. The first game to the 2011 season was the defending champions Green Bay Packers and the New Orleans Saints. Oh boy, what a great game. It literally went down to the wire. Both quarterbacks played a great game with Aaron Rodgers of the Packers having a slim edge. The Packers ended up winning on a great last second defensive play.

 The Cowboys and Jets played Sunday. Everyone already knew that the cowboys would lose, except for a certain one of my friends. She was clearly delusional. Dallas actually came out looking pretty good, completing 3 early passes to Dez Bryant. My friend was juiced and talked a little bit too much shit! I stayed true to my call in the beginning of the game with the jets winning the game. I turned out to be correct, AS ALWAYS. Let’s just say my friend wasn’t the happiest she has been. The Cowboys CHOKED by not getting off a punt and throwing an interception to Darrell Revis.

The Raiders opened there season with a game against the Denver Broncos. The Raiders were too much for the Broncos to handle. The defensive line of the raiders pushed the O line back so the broncos couldn’t run the ball. Darren McFadden of the Raiders rushed for 150 yards on 22 carries. There were way too many penalties for the Raiders. They must become a little bit more disciplined. It was a good start to the 2011 season for the Raiders with a 1-0 record.

Friday, September 9, 2011

[CE]Messi in India

Indian is hosting there first international match with Argentina. Messi, the arguably the best soccer or futbol player in the world was there. This may not sound very big, but i beg to differ.

Soccer is the most popular sport in the whole world, by a far margin. Every continent plays it. Okay, maybe except for Antarctica. Anyways, in Indian the number one sport is cricket. Having the "best" soccer player could make the sport of soccer, come back in play in Indian. Having soccer games in India with players like Messi because they will make a huge profit. The profit will give India more money to help the government and there people. If you think about it as just a soccer game, it doesn't mean much. But if you think about it as a way for India to make more money to help the people, that's a big deal.

The love affair between India and cricket is tight. Yet many people want soccer to come back as the main sport. There is know particular reason why people want soccer to come back as the sport of choice. India somewhat reminds me of America. We both have sports ahead of soccer. I believe that soccer could start getting more attention in America. More kids are starting to play at a younger level. There must be some reason to why soccer is so popular. I mean the whole world watches and plays it. I'm not exactly sure as to why i decided to write about this but as i was looking through the videos, this one stuck out to me. I don't exactly know why, but i think that it was very interesting to see India so excited to see such a big star, like Lionel Messi.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

[Free]Remembering 9/11

Today in class, Mr. Sutherland had us talk about our thoughts regarding 9/11/2001.  I didn't say very much. At the time I didn't have anything to say. But the quick write that we did today actually got some words out of me. I tend to not like remembering bad stuff from the past. I mean, if it's bad why should you keep it in your mind? That's how I feel. Then again, I was so little when it happened (I think I was in kindergarden) that I don't fully remember how I felt at that time. I just remember seeing it on tv and  seeing all the adults crying over the horror. Only now, looking back on it over the past few years, is it that I remember the details.

I realize that, since that 9/11, the world as we knew it had changed. I think that America has become a lot more "racist",  I guess that's the word. Whenever anyone sees another person that could maybe be middle eastern, just from their physical look, some people get nervous. I'm not saying I do, but I'm just saying I think people do in general.

We watched a video in class about how after 9/11 an INDIAN person was killed just because he looked middle eastern. He wasn't even middle eastern! Even if he was middle eastern does it mean he is any different from you or me. I feel bad for the people that are being discriminated against because they could be just like me. But just because of what they wear and what they look like, they are being "picked out" in a crowd as a "terrorist."  What I'm trying to say is that since 9/11 the discrimination towards middle eastern people has skyrocketed. I think that America is a sad place if people are being "picked out" in a crowd just for what they could be perceived as. I don't think it's right. I mean... didn't immigrants come to America to have a free and better life? I bet that the people that are being targeted don't feel like they have having a better life. Just saying.

[RE]There's always a first

 I mean really is texting more important than your life or someone else’s life?
So I don't exactly know what I'm doing because this is my first response post, but there's always a first for everything. I'm not sure if i did this right but this quote is from Biruk's blog. Well anyways, this question really stuck out to me because I text all the time. I text all day,  during school, in class, and during passing periods. Texting could be considered a habit.

I don't drive yet, but i know that I most likely will be tempted to text when, and if I get a car. Of course I know that it's a really bad and dangerous thing to do, but it's a habit. If I hear or feel my phone start to ring, it's just an instinct to look to see what the text says. I know that's really bad but it is just how it is. I think it is kind of how a lot of teens are now a days. They can't live without there phones. People think that there lives are all on there phones. I have to admit, I am kind of the same way. I guess that when I get a car I'll just have to have someone else hold my phone so I am not even tempted to use it while driving. I think it can be done because I mean there is nothing the text could say that is more valuable than your life or the health of someone else. That is why I actually agree with Biruk.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

About Me..........

Hey. My name is Rowland. After being born in Minnesota, I moved to California when I was 4 years old. First, I moved to  Orinda with my uncle and aunt. Somehow I eventually ended up living in Alameda.  I went to Lincoln Middle School and now am at Alameda High. I’m currently a sophomore in Mr. Sutherland’s English class.

I’m a very active guy. For as far back as I can remember, I’ve always played some sport. I play basketball for the high school team now. Basketball is a very complex sport. It involves being athletic, yet there is also a big mental part to the game. During games the other competitors will try to get into your head, mostly by talking shit. Of course you also have to give it back a little. The mental part of the game is as important or maybe even more important than the physical part of the game. If someone gets in your head, they put you off your game and most likely will cause you to do poorly. On the other hand if you get into the head of the other player it gives you an advantage and could help you get the upper hand on your matchup. Even though the mental part of basketball is very important, you still must have some skill. You must be able to get up and down the court quickly. Basketball takes a lot of strategy and its a very exciting game. Anything can happen.

I currently only play one sport for the school team, but I play all kinds of sports when I hang out with my friends. Alameda is a bit boring. There isn’t a whole lot to do so I like to go hang with my friends a lot. We like to play a ton of different sports, whether it’s basketball, football, soccer, or golf. It’s just something to occupy our time so we aren't always just sitting in front of a television all day.
When it comes to my school work, I’m a bit of a procrastinator. For instance, this essay was done last minute. I have no idea, why it happens this way but even if i plan on doing something early, it never happens. This year I would like help in getting a broader vocabulary. I think it might have to do with the fact that I don’t really like to read. Reading often bores me. When I write I’m not very good at picking a topic. If the teacher gives me a topic, I do fine but once it’s a free write I have no idea what to write about. I hope by the end of the school year, I get better at deciding what I want to write about.

After high school I’d like to go to college. My first preference is San Diego State University. I’m not sure if I will be able to get in but that’s my hope. I’m not exactly sure what I want to study. All I know is that I’d like to go to San Diego State. 

Well that’s me. I don’t really know what else to say. I’d also like help with ending my writings. I have trouble with starting and ending my pieces of work. I hope that I will get better with writing by the end of the this school year because we have to do some much writing in this class.